A pergola is an opening structure that is either directly attached to your house or erected in the middle of your garden. Previously, it was used to support climbing plants in order to provide shade. Nowadays, it is equipped with a roof and becomes a space for relaxation in all seasons. It also gives a certain cachet to your outdoor design.

Good reasons to order a custom pergola online

In the digital age, you can buy everything online, even heavy items. Plus, buying online saves a tremendous amount of time. All you have to do is log on to your phone and you're done, without having to go anywhere. Moreover, it is possible that some models of pergola on the web meet your tastes and needs. If not, you can order a custom made pergola on the internet like on the website www.conceptalu.com. In this regard, you are free to choose the size, material, shape and color of the structure. The online purchase also responds to the current pace of life. You can place your order even outside of normal office hours. Last but not least, the internet offers you a wide range of choices. Most of the pergola manufacturers have a web page to allow them to improve their visibility and easily sell their products.

How to choose a pergola ?

There are several criteria to consider when choosing a new pergola. First of all, you have to refer to the material of manufacture. Its robustness and design are at stake. Wooden construction is solid. It is perfectly resistant to wind and violent shocks. It also blends in naturally with the outdoor environment. However, it is sensitive to climatic aggressions, especially to humidity. For reason, wood is a porous material. It wears out quickly over time. Not only that, it can be at the mercy of harmful insects such as wood-eating beetles. All in all, the wooden pergola requires a lot of maintenance. If you are looking for a structure that is both resistant and full of charm, opt for an aluminum pergola instead. It is resistant to corrosion. And it is timeless. Indeed, aluminum retains its original appearance over time. What's more, it can receive an infinite number of colors. In addition to the material, you should also choose a particularly resistant roof. This element protects the whole structure from sun and rain. If you are looking for a solid and ecological construction, choose a bioclimatic pergola.

Ordering a custom pergola online: who to contact?

Finding a pergola manufacturer on the internet is a no-brainer, but choosing a professional and trustworthy artisan can be a real headache. It is well known that the web is becoming a paradise for scammers. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is important to be wary of dubious sites that offer pictures and attractive prices. To make sure that it is not a fictitious company, check its registration number in the Trade Register and its SIRET number. Then, choose a craftsman with sufficient expertise in the sector. Nothing prevents you from asking your craftsman how long he has been practicing his trade. If you plan to invest in an aluminum pergola, place your order with a manufacturer who uses powder-coated aluminum and is QUOALICOAT certified. This is a guarantee of reliability. Then, choose an official website. It is wise to buy your bioclimatic pergola or not directly on the web page of the craftsman of your choice.